When I was young and fair of face,
And my curves were in the right place –
Often I would gaze with pride
On what my mirror showed outside.
That was many years ago,
Time robbed me of that youthful glow,
Put lines and wrinkles in my face,
And my figure lost it’s charm and grace.
Now it is anything but fun
To gaze on what the years have done.
One day when I was feeling sad,
Over losing beauty I once had –
A little voice inside of me
Said; “how vain and stupid can you be ?
Why the beauty for which you weep
Remember, dear, was just skin deep.
There is a beauty that time can’t hide,
And that’s the kind that grows inside,
Though time may make you look like sin –
If you are beautiful within,
That beauty will live on and on
To bless your memory when you’re gone.”
I wrote this rhyme just recently,
Then a little magazine came to me.
An article by Beulah Squires gave me the gong –
She said the poets are all wrong,
Time takes the roses from your cheeks,
But He puts a cameo there,
The lines and wrinkles in your face
Speak of smiles and trials you bear.
He may take the sparkle from your eyes,
But He gives vision to you.
And for the luster He takes from your hair,
He gives you silver too.
For every beauty time takes away,
He has one to give,
Until your looks reflect the beauty
of the life you live.
So throw away your cosmetics, girls,
If what Beulah says is true,
We are covering up the beauty
That time is sending you.
As for me, I’m out of luck,
For no one to this date
Has mentioned finding beauty,
In being over weight.
But all jokes aside, we are both right
For we are both trying to believe It’s true,
That if you live your life well,
You can be beautiful inside and outside, too.

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