My Dad


I dedicate this book of rhymes to the memory of my dad,
Just as fine a father as a daughter ever had.
He had a gift of using words that he passed on to me,
Many of my stories are based on his philosophy.
He was a gentle man both in word and deed,
Right living his philosophy; the Golden Rule his creed.
From my childhood to womanhood he played a treasured part
In all the tender memories that are living in my heart.
He was a barber, philosopher and counselor molded into one;
Folks who had troubles to his barber-shop would come.
He would weigh their problems and advise them what to do.
He loved helping others and they loved him for it too.
Yes! he was a barber and I remember in his time,
A hair-cut cost fifteen cents, a shave was just a dime.
There have been many changes made as the years rolled away
But right living and the Golden Rule remain the same today.
Folks liked to hear him talk, though he didn’t talk in rhyme,
It was poetic conversation very similar to mine.
He lives with me in these pages of homespun philosophy,
May the reading bring the joy to you the writing brought to me.

By admin
