Before we had depression I made a lot of dough
And as easy as I made it, that’s how I let it go.
I’d drop the children off at mother’s and the wife and I would go
Either to a night club or take in a picture show.

Or else we’d gather up some folks we used to call our friends,
But now that we’re down and out that friendship seemed to end.
I said, ‘come on lets spend it, there’s more where that came from’.
Now I sit and wonder how I could have been so dumb.

Dad often tried to warn me, he’d shake his head and say
“You’d better save a little son, we might have a rainy day”.
But somehow I couldn’t see it, I thought it was a joke.
Well, it’s anything but funny to be sitting here – dead broke.

And if I’d just saved a dime of every dollar that I spent,
My family wouldn’t be hungry and I’d know how to pay the rent.
But since I didn’t do it, it won’t do to cry and fuss.
This depression taught a lesson to quite a lot of us.
And if ever it is over and I get a job that pays,
I won’t forget to save some for those pesky rainy days.

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By admin
