Our thanks to Powell Crosley and General Manager, Warren Giles,
For giving us a baseball team that really is worth while.
Thanks to the sponsors, for the broadcasts each day,
And for our splendid announcers, who gave us every play.

And three cheers for our Cincinnati Reds and Bill McKechnie too,
They’re doing all in their power to make our dreams come true.
A perfect baseball combination in a perfect baseball town,
And for the first time in twenty years, they pulled the pennant down.

Billy Weber at third base was one swell lead off man,
Lonnie Frey on second base, just beat him if you can.
Ivan Goodman in right field, always pulled them down,
Frank McCormick on first base, was perfect all around.

Catcher Lombardi was great at getting hits and such,
And center fielder Harry Craft sure hit them in the clutch.
Wally Berger in left field, won himself a name,
And short stop Billy Meyers, is headed right for fame.

With Bucky Walters on the mound, you had a perfect nine,
That chalked up a winner, almost every time.
But just one set of winners isn’t all we’ve got,
The fellows waiting on the bench, helped the team a lot.

Bongiovanni did a swell job while filling Goodman’s shoes;
If McCormick should get hurt, Scarsella we could use,
There’s Eddie Joost and Lou Riggs and Lee Gamble too,
Just waiting for the chance to show what they can do.

And our little Herky Jerkey Hersberger, how he loves the game,
If he keeps up the good work, he’ll dance right into fame.
There’s Simmons, Vince Dimaggio and Frenchy Bordagaray,
Ready to fill another’s shoes almost any day.

Jimmy Wilson and Hank Goudy played real important part,
Keeping a true baseball spirit in every player’s heart.
And now our list of pitchers, say doesn’t it look sweet?
They sure put on a battle with every team they meet.

Our dependable Paul Derringer brings confidence with him,
When he starts to pitch a game the fans expect to win.
Our rookie, Gene Thompson, say how that boy came through,
And Johnson, from what we’ve seen, looks like a winner too.

When Whitey Moore has good control he’s mighty hard to beat,
And Lee Grissom with his fire-ball, sure gives the fans a treat.
Shaffner throws a sinker-ball, that’s quite effective too,
Niggeling has good control, I’m sure that he’ll come through.

Last but not least, Johnny Vander Meer, the ace of baseball fame –
We still have hopes of seeing another no hit game.
Look them over, folks, and I’m sure that you will say,
They’re the swellest baseball players, in the baseball world today.

So get behind them win or lose, root with all you’ve got –
A little boost when things go wrong, can help an awful lot.
Show your appreciation of the splendid work they’ve done,
And they’ll be traveling down the pennant path for many years to come.

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