What Man Can Buy With Gold


Had the privilege of visiting a perfectly magnificent home,
From every nook and corner the signs of wealth were shown.
The strains of a marvelous organ were floating through the halls,
The work of famous artists looked down from the walls.

Bronze fountains sent their sprays into exquisite mosaic lined pools,
Each in itself a masterpiece of the craftmans skill with tools.
Round oriental rugs on beautifully tiled floors,
The arts of glass and metal in windows and doors.

Gorgeous lamps, tall candelabra, gold framed mirrors, ceiling high,
I couldn’t describe all its splendor no matter how I’d try.
The walls outside were a copy of a castle across the sea,
And from each rounded tower hung a little balcony.

It cost half a million to build it, at least so I was told,
And here was a perfect example of what man can buy with gold.
As my eyes feasted on it’s loveliness this thought came to me,
If I possessed such enormous wealth, how much happier would I be.

Could I love my family more, if I lived in a home like this?
Would it add sweetness to the thrill of my baby’s kiss?
The sun cast colorful shadows as through the stained glass windows it shone.
But it was the very same old sun that was shining on my home.

The grass, the trees, the climbing ivy vine,
Were not one wee bit greener than that I claim as mine.
And the rain that would patter on that roof was the same I know,
That God sends around to my house to make my flowers grow.

Oh, it is convenient to have money, ’tis true we’ll all confess,
But it will not buy all the things of life that make for happiness.
Man can build his castle with it’s towers, balconies and domes,
But only love and God’s own gifts can make that house a home.

By admin
