Johnny had a birthday not very long ago
And his mother baked a birthday cake with four candles all aglow.
His friends sang “Happy Birthday” and brought him presents too,
And Johnny loved his birthday as most all children do.

Then came the night before Christmas and this same little lad
Was saying his prayers before Mother and Dad.
He asked God to bless all the folks that he knew,
His friends, his parents and his relatives too.

Then he said; “Jesus you know sometimes I’m bad,
But will you please forgive all the black marks I’ve had —
For tonight is the night that Santa will come
And I want him to know you’ve forgiven the wrong I’ve done”.

His prayers were over, his Amen was said,
And his parents very gently tucked him in bed.
They turned the lights low, as they went out the door –
They thought they heard Johnny get up once more.

Yes, there was Johnny down on his knees, saying,
“Oh, dear Jesus, forgive me please
I’m so sorry I forgot
You know Jesus I love you a lot.

And tomorrow is your birthday and I wanted to say
Dear Jesus I hope you have a Happy Birthday
And I hope the lights on your birthday cake will lie
Just as bright as the lights on my Christmas tree”

His parents stood spellbound outside that closed door,
Drinking in words of wisdom from a child only four
And they vowed from then on they would always remember
Just why we have Christmas the twenty-fifth of December

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