Christmas means so much to me I hope it does to you,
Christmas is the time of year a million dreams come true.
Dreams of little children the young folks and the old,
As the story of the “Birth of Christ” once again is told.

Christmas trees, holly wreathes, a sprig of mistletoe,
Bells are ringing, carolers singing, the world is all aglow.
The spirit of giving flows in every human heart,
Even those who seldom give, want to have a part.

Greeting cards are sent to old friends and the new,
With good wishes for Christmas and the New Year too.
The world is inspired with the Christian way of life,
That soften the hurt of all it’s storm and strife.

I’m sure our Savior is happy as he looks down from above,
Seeing the world so filled with brotherly love.
Hoping it will stay until Christmas come again

A religious worker stopped at my door one December day,
Said, “it was wrong to honor the birth of Christ this way,
That if we would take time and study ancient history
We’d discover the date of His birth is still a mystery.

That to exchange gifts the way we do was sinful and unwise,
Because it helped some to use His name to commercialize.”
I do not know the answer, perhaps what she says is true
But when I look around and see all the good that people do.

I feel honoring Christ’s Birthday portrays Christian might
And the wrong done is far over shadowed by the right,
The spirit of Christmas brings a renewal of our faith
This is good for all of us regardless of the date.

We need Christmas at this time for all the joy it brings,
Most of us can find good or bad in many things.
If we would ask Christ for the answer I’m sure he would say
What you do for my children you do for me each and every day.

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