God bless the bride and groom who do their very best
To turn a house into a home filled with love and happiness –
After awhile they decide to make their happiness complete,
They’d like to add a new joy, the patter of little feet.

But time has made no promise they’ll have children of their own,
So they decide to adopt a child to bless their happy home.
This takes love and understanding, and it takes courage too,
Plus months of patient waiting, before their dream comes true.

They must be ready and willing to turn their home life into an open book,
So the adoption center folks can take a careful look –
Checking their financial position and their personalities;
They must have proof positive that good parents they will be.

Then they must wait until they find the child best suited for your home –
Sometimes this takes longer than it does to have one of your own.
But the job they do is amazing, no one would ever know,
That your child was adopted, unless you told them so.

Often it happens to parents who take an adopted child into their home,
Nature plays some odd tricks, and soon they will have one of their own.
You may wonder does this make a difference, I’m told that it does not
The same love is shared with their own child as the one that they adopt.

Often parents will have a child and find there can be no more –
And they want sisters or brothers for this child they adore;
So they set about adopting children, sometimes two or three,
And they will get along together like one big family.

God was very wise in making a little child so sweet,
So needed in married life to make their happiness complete,
Putting the love of parenthood in every human heart,
So every man and woman would want to have a part.

So again I say God bless the parents who have the courage to take
A precious child into their home and give the child a break –
The privilege to have a mother and a father to call his very own;
May these parents reap a blessed harvest for the seeds of love they’ve sown.

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By admin
